Using industry leading speech to text engine NuCaption captures the conversation in real-time for you to read. Whether you are hard of hearing or completely deaf NuCaption can help you see what people are saying. Paired with the NuEyes PRO 3e smart glasses NuCaption visually delivers what others are saying live in your field of view.
No matter if you are at the dinner table, doctors office, or at the store, NuCaption helps your see what is being said without the need for additional assistive devices, sign language, or an interpreter. Let NuCaption help you connect.
Delivered in your Field of View
accessible in light weight AR smart glasses to stay engaged
change your font size and color to best fit your environment
Online and Off Line Access
no matter if your connected or not NuCaption delivers
reduce your reliance on interpreters or other costly aids
NuCaption Bundles Available Now
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