Leveraging medical expertise is a world problem. Tele-medicine is the remote delivery of healthcare services through technology. Smart glasses like the Pro 3 are uniquely helpful for tele-medicine use-cases in that the onsite care nurse or doctor can receive live expert interactive medical feedback while simultaneously acting on the feedback with their hands. A paramedic can now stream directly to a hospital-based doctor without pausing care to the patient. Our telemedicine solution NuCall, provides end-to-end encryption to ensure data integrity and privacy. NuCall complies with HIPAA, PIPEDA, PHIPA and GDPR requirements.


    The PRO3 Smart Glasses were engineered to help first response teams and other healthcare professionals communicate and collaborate remotely. With the PRO3 Smart Glasses it is now possible for physicians and first response teams to receive expert medical guidance remotely and in real-time while treating patients. A specialist can see exactly what a specialists sees and provide a real-time second opinion or give expert feedback providing a better patient experience.


    Healthcare is all about the patient experience. Our goal is to partner with  healthcare providers to optimize each visit. From initial consultations to ongoing patient care through follow-up – The Pro3  Smart Glasses help enable healthcare providers to provide a better virtual patient experience in real-time.


    The Pro3 enables healthcare professionals to access mixed reality (MR) to overlay 3D views of MRI images and CT scans to help assist specialists and surgeons. Nurses and doctors can train and practice using patient simulated training to help improve clinical experiences. This helps ensure the entire organization keeps pace with advances in science and technology.


    AR technology increases the level of patient care. Medical experts for rare conditions are accessible from far away, doctors can see a patient’s vitals without taking their eyes off the patient and feedback can be provided instantly during surgery.



Engineered for dental and medical use and designed in conjunction with health care experts, NuLoupes are built for real world use cases.

A better patient experience is just the beginning.

The Pro3 are the most advanced smartglasses available to the healthcare industry. With the PRO3 healthcare professionals have the ability to communicate and collaborate remotely with specialists and receive real-time diagnosis while the patient receives better care.

PRO 3 Medical Benefits

Record Treatment for Training Purposes

Doctors Access Medical Libraries Faster & On-Demand

Relay Instructions to Care Practitioners

Virtual Visits Allow More Time Spent with Patients

Provide Instant Feedback Via Video

Monitor Vital Signs Without Taking Eyes Off the Patient

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